Writer laments declining access to players 2

Editor’s note: Ed Sherman, former Chicago Tribune, was FWAA President in 1994. This column was written for his web site, The Sherman Report, http://www.shermanreport.com.

By Ed Sherman

ffaw_redesignDuring my early days as the new national college football writer for the Chicago Tribune, I went to Florida State to do a story on Deion Sanders in 1988. He was the big star for the Seminoles, already showing the memorable antics that complemented his incredible talent.

I was invited to have lunch with Sanders at the team’s training table. Nobody from the sports information department sat in on our interview. It was just me and “Neon” Deion.

I recall a memorable moment. While making small talk, and being more than a bit naïve, I asked, “How’s school going?”

Keep in mind, Sanders was a senior bound for the NFL and he already had a big-money contract to play baseball for the Yankees. School wasn’t exactly high on his agenda. A few of his teammates overheard the question and began ribbing him. “Yes, Deion, tell us about your classes…”

“Oh, school’s great, just great,” said Sanders while losing the battle to keep a straight face.


Writer recalls an unseen side of Mizzou coach Gary Pinkel

As Missouri coach Gary Pinkel prepares to coach his last game at Faurot Field, Dave Matter of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch relates a story about Pinkel he has kept to himself for 15 years, when Pinkel, usually aloof the media, showed a side Matter didn’t suspect he had, offering his support in a moment of tragedy, after Matter’s boss at the Columbia Daily Tribune was murdered in the newspaper’s parking lot. CLICK HERE to read Matter’s column.

ULM lost, but the real losers were in the Kentucky press box

Tabby Soignier, Monroe News-Star

Tabby Soignier, Monroe News-Star

Editor’s note: The Fifth Down will occasionally showcase a story written by a media member about the media under “A View from the Press Box.”

Tabby Soignier of the the Monroe News-Star wrote that it appeared the “no cheering in the press box rule” must have went out the window along with manners and just common human decency during Louisiana-Monroe’s lost to Kentucky last Saturday.

Read her entire story here.